Contact Bolton For Emergency Repairs, Estimates, Service, New Installations and more

Bolton Service offers 24-hour emergency repair services from air conditioning, drain cleaning, heat pump installation, water heater installation, electricity services for commercial and residential purposes. Use this page to request non-emergency service or submit a question.

If you live in Western North Carolina and need service, please visit

Office Location:

Bolton Construction & Service
1623 Old Louisburg Rd.
Raleigh, NC 27604


Phone: 919-861-1500

Office Hours:

Monday – Friday
8:00am – 5:00pm

Request Service or Submit a Question:

This form will be delivered to a mailbox that is monitored Monday thru Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. This form does not guarantee you a scheduled visit, you will be contacted for scheduling. If this is an emergency, please call: 919-861-1500.

    Type of Service:*

    Category of request*:

    Do you have a Bolton Family Plan?:*Yes, I have a Bolton Family Plan.No, I do NOT have a Bolton Family Plan.

    Full Name:*


    Address 2:



    Zip Code:*


    Primary Phone:*

    Secondary Phone:

    How did you find us:

    How Do We Contact You:PhoneEmail


     I would like to receive info on how to get 15% off with our family plan


    Bolton 100 Year Badge