Residential Air Conditioning in Holly Springs, NC

How is your air conditioning running at your Holly Springs home? Are you getting cold air from it, or does it seem to be warmer than it should be? Odds are you could use a residential air conditioning service call from Bolton Construction and Service. They can provide service when you need it, they can provide repairs when necessary, and they can even do AC installation if the need arises. When you do regular service and maintenance on your air conditioning, you are ensuring that the efficiency of the unit is high, that the energy usage of the unit is as low as possible, and you extend the longevity of the unit to get years and years of cool air for your home.

Residential Air Conditioning Service

Getting a residential air conditioning service for your home’s AC unit is a smart move. Many people think that it is just wasting money, but in fact, it is helping to save you money. How is this possible? First, if you let your AC unit go without any maintenance, you will find that you need a new air conditioner much sooner than you would otherwise. Regular AC service extends the life of your air conditioner and ensures that it will operate properly for longer. You will also notice that your energy bills remain where they are rather than climbing as the years go by. That’s because a clean AC unit doesn’t have to work as hard to do the same job as a dirty one, saving you more money than it costs to have the service done to your AC unit.

Air Conditioning Repairs

While doing AC service, your Bolton Construction and Service technician might find there are some parts that need to be repaired. AC repair might include bending the cooling fins back into place so that the system cools more efficiently, or it could be replacing a fan blade that is damaged. As you might expect, these repairs will keep your system working properly and extend the life of the system as a whole. Don’t wait until your AC is broken and not cooling your Holly Springs home, contact Bolton Construction and Service today to get on a maintenance schedule to keep things running smoothly.

The town of Holly Springs grew around freshwater springs, believed to be the original “holly springs”, near the intersection of what is now Avent Ferry Road and Cass Holt Road. By 1800, the crossroads had spawned a village, including a general store built by Richard Jones, a Baptist church, and a Masonic lodge. These were soon followed by a sawmill and cotton gin. The little community of Holly Springs had appeared to be on its way to becoming a bustling town, but the Civil War ultimately left the community economically devastated.


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