Well Pump Repair in Wake County, Apex, Cary, Morrisville, Garner, and the Surrounding Areas

Your well is the source for water for your property in Wake County, Apex, Cary, Morrisville, Garner, and the surrounding areas. You need to take care of the well pump so that you won’t have a catastrophic failure leading to a loss of available water until you can get it fixed. Bolton Construction & Service can help ensure that your well pump is in good working order and can make well pump repairs if needed as well. And while we would like things to last forever, well pumps can last up to 20 years if well maintained. While most of the time your well pump will operate just fine, there are things to watch for with it’s operation that can signify some issues. Contact us today to have one of our plumbers come out and inspect your well pump.

Signs That You May Need Well Pump Repair

The age of your pump is something to be aware of, as older well pumps can start to have problems maintaining pressure for your needs. The general rule of thumb for well pump repairs is that if the repair will cost half or more of the cost to replace the well pump, you should replace it. Anything less and you are better off with the well pump repairs. If your well pump runs constantly as well, this is not a good sign as it could have a leak in the system or there could be a partial blockage that needs to be removed.

Does your well pump break down regularly? It is possible that things were not installed correctly, or perhaps the pump itself is faulty and was never working right from the start. If you are seeing sand or sediments in your well water, this needs to be corrected right away as this is an issue likely related to your well pump and it may need repairs or a full replacement.

How To Plan for Well Pump Repair

When it comes to repairing your well pump, knowing what kind of well pump you have will save a lot of headache when it comes to knowing what parts will fit. Keep records of the important details of the well pump, such as the horsepower, pump model number, pipe size and type, well depth, wire size and the well casing diameter, along with other records. If you can also have a record of when the pump was installed and what past repairs, if any, were done, this will also help in determining the best course of action.

Keeping the water flowing at your property is important, and maintaining your well pump is crucial to this effort in Wake County, Apex, Cary, Morrisville, Garner, and the surrounding areas. While inconvenient, well pump repairs are likely the fast and easy way to get things back in action, and our team at Bolton Construction & Service will help you do just that. Contact us today to learn more about how to prevent issues and be prepared when they do happen.

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