Furnace Repairs in Raleigh, NC

Raleigh, NC Furnace Repair and Service ProjectThe right time to consider furnace repair or service for your home or business in Raleigh, North Carolina is at the end of summer and into early fall.

Bolton Construction & Service performs many heating service calls from people and businesses that need to keep their indoor temperature at a comfortable level. There could be issues with the blower motor, with the heat exchanger, or with other aspects that would require heater repairs from a trained professional. Many times people find out that they need heating repairs or service when they turn on their furnace for the first time for the season to take the chill out of the air.

Don’t find out the hard way, instead, contact our team today for heating service.

Furnace Service in Raleigh

So you’re going to have one of our professionals come and perform some furnace service on your heating system. What kinds of things will they inspect during this time period? Our team will first test the major functions of your heating system, including the thermostat, blower motor, heat exchanger, and other components to make sure those are all functional. Often these different components of the heating system will require cleaning which our team will do to ensure the longest life possible.

If any adjustments need to be made in order to ensure the best efficiency of the system, those will be made during the service call. It is often the case that during this service call various components will either need to be repaired or replaced in order for your furnace to operate properly. It is with these furnace service calls that you will ensure that your investment in your furnace will last as long as possible.

Keep Your Furnace In Peak Condition in Raleigh, North Carolina

Furnace and Heater Service & Repair in Raleigh, NCHeating service and heating repairs are the cornerstones to keeping your furnace in peak condition and providing you with the warmth required throughout the colder months of the year.

We recommend that you have heater service at least once a year, and ideally schedule that toward the end of summer or in early fall so that any needed repairs or replacements can be done before the really cold temperatures are in place. Don’t let your furnace service lapse and just assume that everything will be working as it should.

New Bern, a port town on the Neuse River 35 miles from the Atlantic Ocean, was the largest city and the capital of North Carolina during the American Revolution.

Raleigh was chosen as the site of the new capital in 1788, as its central location protected it from attacks from the coast. It was officially established in 1792 as both county seat and state capital. Contact us today for any heating repairs to keep your indoor air at a comfortable temperature.

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