Residential Air Conditioning in Wake Forest, NC

If you’ve ever spent a summer in Wake Forest, you know the importance of having a good air conditioner for your home. The high temperatures coupled with the high humidity, which is common for the area, mean that residential air conditioning is an important piece of having a comfortable home. But what happens if you go to your thermostat, set it for a cooler temperature, and all you get is the same temperature air being circulated in your home? It’s time for air conditioning repairs, and that means placing a call to Bolton Construction and Service. They have decades of service for AC repair in the area, and can even provide regular residential air conditioning service to help prevent major problems with your HVAC system. Give them a call today to ensure your air conditioning is up to the task.

Residential Air Conditioning Service

What most AC repair organizations will tell you is that it is important to have your HVAC system serviced on a regular basis, typically once per year. The reason for this is that it is cheaper to have things looked at before problems occur. Some problems can be avoided by routine cleaning of the fins, coils, blower, and other places. Other problems can be spotted before they break, allowing you to replace items before they fail, and they will usually fail at the worst possible time if ignored. These regular service calls will also extend the life of your HVAC system overall, as well, because it gets a routine cleaning so that it can operate as it should. If you aren’t on a schedule with Bolton Construction and Service yet, contact them today to get your residential air conditioning service scheduled.

Air Conditioning Repairs

Sometimes, even with regular residential air conditioning service, your air conditioning will need repairs. It might be a leak in the sealed coolant tubes or a blower motor that isn’t operating as it should. When you need air conditioning repairs at your Wake Forest home, call Bolton Construction and Service, and they can even assist with a new AC installation if that becomes necessary.

In 1832, Dr. Calvin Jones, originally from New England, bought 615 acres of forested land in Wake County, North Carolina. The sparsely populated area became known as the Forest of Wake, or Wake Forest. This community was incorporated as the “Town of Wake Forest College” in 1880. In 1909, the word “College” was removed from the name of the town. Wake Forest was the original home of Wake Forest University for 122 years before it moved to Winston-Salem in 1956.


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