Residential and Commercial Air Conditioning Installation in Cary, NC

Your home’s air conditioner unit might have finally given up, or you’re building a new building and you need air conditioning. Whatever your scenario is, having a quality air conditioning installation contractor for your home or building in Cary is what you need. Bolton Construction and Service has years of experience in doing AC installation for both residential and commercial applications, and they can do the same for you. Give them a call to get things started.

Commercial Air Conditioning Installation

Just how many units do you need to cool your commercial space? There are a number of factors that go into figuring out just how large of a system that you need to cool a given space. These include the building’s age, its design, the amount of sunlight it receives, the number of windows, and more. However, there is a very generic formula that can help give a basis for what is needed for a commercial system. The formula starts by calculating the square footage of the space that is to have the air conditioner handle. Once you have that square footage, divide that number by 500. Then, take this number and multiply it by 12,000.

From here you then need to add a bit more to get a better picture of how much cooling is needed. For each person that is working in the space full time, add 380 to the above number. Also, for each window in the space, add 1,000 to the above number. Once you have this final number, divide that number by 12,000 and it will get you the answer, in tons, of what size of AC unit you need to have installed. This is a start, and other factors will influence this.

Residential Air Conditioning Installation in Cary, North Carolina

When it comes to your Cary home and what is the right size air conditioner for your home’s size, the formula referenced above can still help provide some guidance. Residential air conditioners will not be as large or can handle as much volume as a commercial unit, but the same rules still apply. In addition to this, there is a SEER rating for the air conditioner, and this is a measure of efficiency for the unit.

In the early years, Cary adopted zoning and other ordinances on an ad-hoc basis to control growth and give the town structure. Beginning in 1971, the town created Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning to accommodate population growth related to the growth of Research Triangle Park nearby. Kildaire Farms, a 967-acre Planned Unit Development in Cary, was North Carolina’s first PUD. It was developed on the Pine State Dairy Farm by Thomas F. Adams, Jr. Adams named a section of Kildaire Farms “Farmington Woods” in their honor.


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