Residential and Commercial Air Conditioning Maintenance in Cary, NC

From your car to a boat, motorcycle, and yes, even to your air conditioning, it is important for all of them to have maintenance done periodically. AC maintenance should be done by a qualified HVAC technician, and the team at Bolton Construction and Service is ready to serve you in Cary. And this isn’t just your home’s air conditioning that should be AC maintenance, but also those commercial air conditioners on the building that you manage. Bolton Construction and Service can provide the commercial air conditioning service and residential air conditioning service that you are looking for.

Commercial Air Conditioning Maintenance

Having a commercial building means that you have many more AC units than you do at home. When one of them goes down, it forces the others to work harder to keep up with demand, putting a strain on all of them. If this continues for a period of time, the other units will start to degrade faster and you’ll find that multiple units need to be serviced. These can turn into expensive repairs if not caught early. That’s why it is so important to schedule AC maintenance for all of your commercial buildings.

This air conditioning service is designed to make sure that your commercial units are operating as they should. The technician will be checking the coolant level to ensure that it isn’t working hard trying to cool areas without the proper coolant. They will also check the cooling fins attached to the copper tube with the coolant, as those fins help to dissipate the heat from inside the building. They will also clean out the debris, dirt, and other hazards that would shorten the life of the cooling units.

Residential Air Conditioning Maintenance in Cary, North Carolina

Having residential air conditioning maintenance is just as important for your home in Cary as it is for businesses. The last thing you want to do is to come home and find that your air conditioner is broken and you are dealing with a hothouse. You can help to avoid this by calling Bolton Construction and Service to provide AC maintenance and to keep your HVAC system running as it should.

Allison Francis Page was a Wake County farmer and lumberman. He and his wife, Catherine “Kate” Raboteau Page bought 300 acres surrounding the railroad junction in 1854 and named his development Cary, after Samuel Fenton Cary. Page became a railroad agent and a town developer. He laid out the first streets in Cary and built a sawmill, a general store, and a post office (Page became the first Postmaster). In 1868, Page built a hotel to serve railroad passengers coming through Cary.


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